Sunnies Club FAQs

What is Sunnies Club?

Sunnies Club is a loyalty program where members can earn points through purchasing products from any Sunnies Studios store. All members will also get access to preview new collections, get a chance to be invited to exclusive events, and get exclusive promos and limited-edition products.

How do I join?

Sign up at any Sunnies Studios store or in Make sure to use the same email address as the one you registered in your Sunnies Studios account to start earning points.

How do I earn points?

Members can earn points through purchasing products from and any Sunnies Studios store. Get a point for every P100 spent.

​How do I convert my points to vouchers?​

Go to the redeem section and select the voucher that you want to claim. Once you have redeemed a voucher, show your reward code to any of our staff in-store and they will discount it from your purchase.

Do my points and rewards expire?

- All Sunnies Club points and rewards do not have an expiration date.​

- Rewards are valid for one time use only in all Sunnies Studios stores.​

- Points and rewards are non transferrable.​

- Reward cannot be combined or stacked for use in a single transaction.​

- Rewards are applicable in conjunction with other discounts and promos.​

- All points and redemptions are final.​

Can I use my Sunnies Club reward vouchers with other promos?​

Yes, all converted SunniesClub vouchers can be used together with other discounts or promos, but reward vouchers cannot be combined or stacked for use in a single transaction.

Can I convert my points to cash?

No, all Sunnies Club points may only be converted to vouchers which can be used as good as cash.​

Can I use the voucher at

No, the vouchers can only be used in Sunnies Studios stores. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions to check which stores it doesn’t apply to.​

Can I use my points and rewards for Sunnies Guarantee?

No, Sunnies Club vouchers cannot be used for Sunnies Guarantee payments.​

Do I use the same account as my Sunnies Studios account?

Yes, please use the same email as the one registered in Sunnies Studios account to start earning points. If you registered a different email as your primary, you could add your Sunnies Studios account as a secondary email to receive your points automatically.

Where can I use my points and rewards?

You can use your points in any of our stores except the following:

  • Landers​
  • S&R​
  • True Value​
  • Duty Free​
  • Airport​
  • Department Store​
  • Lazada​
  • Shopee​
  • Tiktok​
  • Zalora​
  • Sunnies Face
  • Sunnies Coffee

Other account information

  • Members will only earn points when they sign up the same email as their Sunnies Studios account in-store.​
  • Earning of points will start from date of registration.​
  • Inactive accounts for 1 year will be deactivated.